Water covers 1000m2 of gym floor space

by Tanya Outridge

Natalie and Nick Bowie of Snap Fitness Nambour could not believe the amount of water through their gym when they arrived to survey the damage on Monday morning.

“There was about two inches of water, covering about 1,000m2 of floor space,” Natalie said.

Like many other business owners affected by the shocking flood, Natalie and Nick have been overwhelmed with offers of help from their gym and wider community.

“So many of our members came in to help us that on the first day, we were almost stepping on top of each other,” Natalie said. 

“Some were here as long as we were, and others came during their lunch break, or came and offered what time they had. 

“Our members are just awesome. We are so grateful.

“Every tile had to be pulled up and washed and all of the equipment had to be sterilised. 

“We won’t know if we have a lot of equipment loss until we plug all of the machines in,” she said. 

“We are all locals, so we are all invested and we are very keen to be able to open our doors as soon as possible.”

Nick Bowie and crew haul flooring back in to place last Wednesday after it was lifted for drying. 


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