Owner loses expensive equipment, unable to continue trading
by Tanya Outridge
Mix Taste Eat in Mathew Street was hit hard by the flooding, with water reaching over a metre inside.
Despite having cleaned up the premises quickly, business owner, Daneyl Green has been left unable to continue trading because the water got into the walls, making it unsafe to prepare food in the space.
“I have an incredible client base of homeschooling families who dropped everything to come and help me,” Daneyl said.
“They descended on the place with pressure cleaners, brooms, mops and fans, and thanks to their help, we were able to clean up very fast. But there is a huge amount of rubbish that will need to be taken away, and I have lost expensive equipment including two fridges, an oven, a dishwasher and a brand new camera.
“At this stage, insurance is saying that they might not be covered, so I am waiting to see what happens there. In the meantime, I obviously cannot run any classes. This is my only source of income, and I am a single parent, so I really am not sure what the future holds for me.
“I guess I will need to look for alternative premises to operate from, but it is difficult to find something that I can afford. No-one knew there would be this much water, so many of us have been blind-sided. I am just very grateful to our incredible community for their support.”
Daneyl Green of Mix Taste Eat in Mathew Street has been left unable to continue trading after water reached over a metre inside.