Submit a letter to the editor
Letters Policy
The Sunshine Valley Gazette welcomes letters to the editor. Please keep your letters short (300 words maximum). All things being equal, preference is given to interesting, shorter letters, on local matters of general interest.
Letters must be accompanied by the name and Suburb of the writer, for publication and a phone number or email address, for verification.
While we welcome letters The Gazette is not obliged to publish letters on demand (whether in print or online). We are guided by fairness, balance and the public interest and in facilitating diverse and robust expressions of opinion. Honest debate is welcome but not personal or vexatious insults.
We may edit or omit letters for length, clarity, grammar, newspaper style or legal reasons, among other considerations, although such editing should not change the tone or meaning of a letter.
Reasonable steps may be taken to verify the identity of a letter’s author before it is published; for example, by contacting them by telephone or email.
Where a letter represents an attack on an individual or entity The Gazette may seek a right of reply within the same edition, in the interests of fairness.
Be Respectful
We're all in this community together. We want to promote a welcoming environment in Letters. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are welcomed, but respect is required. Being part of Letters requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make Letters a great read. But, please, no rants, abuse, or petty, personal vendettas.
We take particular care in selecting and editing letters during election periods, including consideration of the timing of the publication of letters. This is to prevent election “ambushes” where an attack is launched on a candidate or other relevant person in the hope that person won’t have right of reply.
— Cameron Outridge, editor@sunshinevalleygazette.com.au
Letters Form
Use the form or email editor@sunshinevalleygazette.com.au