Nambour State College gears up for 2024 Colour Run fundraiser

P&C President Michael Scott ‘slimes’ College Executive Principle, Anthony Green, with help from Shelley Keightley at last year’s Nambour State College Colour Run.

Preparations are in full swing for the Nambour State College Colour Run fundraiser which will take place on the last day of the school term, Friday the 13th of September.

P&C Association Operations Manager, Shelley Keightley said that the Colour Run is a huge fundraising event for the school.

“In the past we have been able to raise money for a broad range of equipment and facilities for the school community and this year, we have our sights set on funds to complete the J Block undercover learning space.

“Work on the space commenced last year and we identified the need to raise the money to complete the work so that the space can be utilised by both the school and wider community,” she said.

The task of organising the Colour Run is a mammoth undertaking and Shelley said that they have had wonderful support from the Nambour business community.

“K&R Manufacturing is a Gold Sponsor this year and Coronation House Dentist and The Nambour Bag Shop are Silver Sponsors. This level of sponsorships means that as well as advertising within the school community, these businesses are able to ‘slime’ our Executive, Junior Campus Principals and Deputy Principal respectively. 

“In the two weeks leading to the Colour Run, sponsors will be coming to the school to ‘slime’ various teachers, school staff, and in some cases, their own staff. I can’t tell you how much the kids love this!”

Harcourts Hinterland are not only sponsors, they have sponsored Bluey, who will be at the school for the Colour Run activities and ‘sliming’.

“You have no idea how much we appreciate the wonderful local wider community supporting us,” she said.

“The Colour Run itself starts at 1.30pm on the 13th and Bluey will be there, along with Woorie, the School Mascot and Cheetah and the School Fun Run mascot. It is heaps of fun and a great way to end the school term and raise money for our school,” said Shelley.

To get involved, contact the P&C Association office on or call 5450 4121.


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