Promotion aims to stimulate Yandina’s growing reputation

Toni Eggleston & Bill Gissane: “Toni has shown us something very special and when launched it will give every business and organisation in our postcode a real lift,” Bill said.

The once-sleepy hamlet of Yandina continues to astound with the growth in the number of visitors who delight in all the district has to offer.

On that note, local arts identity Toni Eggleston is spearheading an initiative to promote the wonders of the town that literally means “Go by foot”.

In collaboration with Business Yandina (formerly the Chamber of Commerce) Toni has put together a team of professionals and enthusiasts who will launch a new brand for the town, along with an ongoing campaign to bring people from far and wide to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of this hidden gem.

Toni is well-known to the broader arts community and is the owner of Stevens Street Gallery which has rightfully earned a place on everyone’s art itinerary.

Newly elected Business Yandina President Bill Gissane was “over the moon” regarding the plan to establish a new logo for the town and launch an advertising campaign embracing traditional and new forms of media.

“Toni has shown us something very special and when launched it will give every business and organisation in our postcode a real lift,” Bill said.

“We are looking to the business community to get right behind this program as it will do nothing but good for every trader, tourist business, musician and artist to name just a few.”

Business Yandina recently received a detailed briefing on the plan and the enthusiasm in the room was palpable.

Division 10 Councillor David Law was present at the meeting and gave a big “thumbs up” for the initiative shown by the group.

“In years to come, I’m sure people will look back at Toni’s project and see it as another milestone in the development of this astonishing town,” Bill said.


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