People with ‘everything to offer’ set up market in Nambour
Local goodness ... Compass CEO David Dangerfield, front, with Compass Institute Trainees at the mini-market stall held the first Thursday of the month in C-Square.
An organisation dedicated to providing support for people with intellectual and physical disabilities is leading change in Nambour and bringing vibrance to the CBD.
Compass Institute held its second Nambour mini-market on October 6 with the aim of bringing energy and interest to C-Square via its trainees’ offerings.
“We want to invite other stall holders to join us and create a regular market here to bring the community together and activate this great space,” said Compass CEO David Dangerfield.
“We’re doing this the first Thursday of each month and hope November 3 and December 6 ones will be a feature with a few more stall holders.”
The organisation recently opened Wabi Sabi Creations retail outlet and a Learning and Development Centre in C-Square.
“We’re trying to bring people with disabilities back into valued roles inside this community, to kickstart some positive change and community-building.
“When you want a crowd to assemble, somebody has to step out and take a few paces forward and then other people will follow.
“We’ll put some Christmas music on, and try and bring a little bit of joy into this space.”
It is hoped it can become a fortnightly market, and perhaps then a weekly event with a range of crafts, goods and fresh produce to draw people into the centre of Nambour again.
The stall draws on offerings prepared by trainees at local Compass facilities including fresh organic produce from Compass Farm Hunchy.
It will feature arts and crafts including woodwork, pottery, screen printing and paintings from Wabi Sabi and food from Connections Cafe (on Nambour Connection Road).
“But we’d really love to attract some other people, stallholders, to come and join us,” said David.
“Our fresh produce has been very popular. It ran out quickly and people were saying, ‘Are you going to make this a weekly thing? There’s no market here.’ They thought it was wonderful, being able to get fresh produce at these sort of prices here in the middle of town.”
Compass is looking for individuals, businesses and organisations to join them for the November 3 and December 6 markets from 9.30am–1pm. Phone 5445 9116 or email to join the market or for more information.