Happy Days event calls for volunteers

Scenes from last year’s Woombye Happy Days festivities.

The annual Woombye Happy Days Festival is back on Sunday the 4th of May. Planning has been underway since September last year and all indicators point to a wonderful day of music, food, entertainment, and something for all ages. 

“This is a real family fun day,” said Milo Frawley, Festival Director. 

“All the pieces are falling into place for this year. We have confirmed the bands set for the main stage in Hill Street to play from 10am to 5:30pm, and music will be interspersed with competitions and local performances. 

“The Kids Zone will be back with lots of activities and all just for Gold Coin donations. The market stalls will all be grouped together in the Vets car park this year and the classic cars will line either side of Hill street bringing back a retro-vibe.”

Events like Woombye Happy Days are only possible with community support, in volunteering. “Last year we garnered a small army of volunteers, about 40 people in all,” he said. 

“We will need that many this year and a few more. There are roles for all ages and skill levels. Opportunities to volunteer will exist from between 6am and 8pm. You can come for an hour or for the whole day, whatever you can manage. Our friendly team will welcome you into the fold.”

Last year Milo was thrilled with both the community support and the number of local businesses that came forward with financial and gift support. 

“Several businesses have already stepped up this year, with more to come,” Milo said. 

Now Happy Days is putting the call out for the people of Woombye and surrounding areas to help out. 

“Our first volunteer meeting is next Monday (24th of March) at 6pm. We will meet at the Woombye School of Arts’ Lower Hall,” he said. 

“Drinks and nibbles will be offered and attendees will learn about the schedule and all the roles we need filling. We have an obligation-free mindset, but I am willing to bet you will be hooked when you hear the details.”

• You can find out more information by emailing woombyehappydays@gmail.com or register to volunteer here: https://woombye.com.au/volunteer-application/


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