Trust counts now, more than ever

Mike Burns at the Palmwoods Little Main Street string of shops just listed for sale.

Mike Burns at the Palmwoods Little Main Street string of shops just listed for sale.

The events of recent months have prompted changes in the way buyers are behaving in many markets, and none more so than real estate.

“I have observed that buyers are coming into the market now very well informed and far more educated than ever before,” said Mike Burns, Principle of Burns Property.

“When they approach me about a particular property, they are often armed with compara- tive sales data and historical sales information about the property. That is the point that we start from and I guess I see my role as a facili- tator, rather than a salesperson because I think it is important that everyone walks away from the sale feeling that they got a great deal.

Of course I am working on behalf of the vendor but in my experience, getting excel- lent results for my vendors, and enjoying longevity in real estate is about playing a long game. Because when you are able to problem solve more complex projects with all of the interested parties over the longer term, that is when you get great results and clients for life,” he said.

“Local knowledge is also really important

because you can then appropriately match buyers to properties that meet their specific needs. I enjoy advising my vendors to prepare their properties for sale and present them in their best light, because then buyers fall in love, and they sell themselves.

It may be a cliche, but it is true that integrity and experience are the only things that count in the end.

“Problem solving, mediating and balancing all participants out is at the heart of what I do. I have never missed a building and pest inspection or valuation, and I don’t believe in cold calling, I’ve never had to.”

“During the sale process, being open and honest with my vendors and potential buyers is key to achieving great results for everyone. It may be a cliche, but it is true that integrity and experience is the only thing that counts, in the end.”


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Sugar cane & chilli give ginger beer a devilish kick