O’Brien: ‘They run fake independents around the country’
Fairfax MP Ted O’Brien is firm in his belief that the teal challengers are anything but genuine.
“I’d be surprised if locals really wanted billionaires from down south buying the seat of Fairfax through a fake independent,” he said, accusing the teal movement of coordinating a national strategy to unseat Coalition MPs.
“The teal party business model is well known… they run fake independents around the country who all tell the same bogus story about emerging as a candidate due to some organically and locally-inspired movement,” Mr O’Brien said, arguing that the entire operation was orchestrated by Climate 200.
He also accused teal MPs of hiding their real affiliations.
“Seriously, I’d have more respect for the teals if they just ran on the truth about who they really are, instead of this cringeworthy claim that they are genuine independents who are only running because of a calling from their community. At least Labor and the Greens are upfront.”
“I reckon the game is up on the teal party anyway because their puppet masters have been revealed, they run the same cookie-cutter campaigns everywhere pretending to be independents, and they now have a parliamentary voting record which shows their real agenda.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the teal party candidate here in Fairfax is a very nice person, I just hope she hasn’t been tricked into running by the puppet masters of Climate 200.
“The bottom line is, a vote for a teal is a vote for minority government led by Anthony Albanese and Adam Bandt.”
Member for Fairfax, Ted O’Brien “Seriously, I’d have more respect for the teals if they just ran on the truth about who they really are”