Share the Dignity group drives to meet increased demand for period products

Maleny Apex Club President Boyd Keir, left, and PR Officer Sam Price, right, with Maleny Woolworths Store Manager, Darren Rusk and team member Courtney Stockhill at last November’s Dignity Drive.

Share the Dignity is worried about meeting the demand of period products for their bi-annual Dignity Drive as the cost of living sees an increase in “the working poor”.

The rising cost of living has seen an influx of people reaching out to specialist homelessness services. It comes as the latest Australian Homelessness Monitor report suggests homeless services are providing more support to low-middle income earners who are struggling to make ends meet. 

Share the Dignity’s Dignity Drives allow people to pay it forward and support women, girls and anyone with a period who is experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness, domestic violence or poverty. But as the cost-of-living increases, Share the Dignity has seen donations decrease. 

Throughout March, Woolworths will donate 5 cents from the sale of every period product purchased to help fund Share the Dignity’s Dignity Vending Machines. Collection boxes have

also been placed in all Woolworths supermarkets nationwide, where customers are able to place donated period products.

Share the Dignity Founder and Managing Director Rochelle Courtenay said rising cost of living causes a ripple effect and as people close to her struggle to make ends meet, she also

worries about the charities and people who rely on the period products Share the Dignity collects.

“Share the Dignity works to ensure those escaping domestic violence or experiencing homelessness have equitable access to period products, but the number of people needing support is skyrocketing due to the current cost of living crisis,” she said.

Supporters can drop-off donations at all Woolworths stores and a number of nominated businesses nationwide throughout March, or donate via the Share the Dignity website.


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