Agencies reach out with offers of office space
Matt O’Grady, second from left and helpers as the cleanup continued last week.
Matt O’Grady from Ray White Nambour and his crew were not prepared for the level of destruction in their office on the Monday morning after the rain.
“I got in at around 4am to see how we had fared, and pretty much everything in here had been destroyed,” Matt said.
“The water has risen above powerpoints, buckled anything timber and ruined all of our chairs, digital street screen and other office fittings. It is unbelievable to think the water got this high so fast.”
Matt and his team were quickly overwhelmed with offers of help from around the community.
“Everyone has been amazing,” Matt said. “People cannot do enough for us. It reminds us of what an incredible community we are a part of.”
Being part of the Ray White group, Matt’s business has flood insurance and other local Ray White offices have reached out with offers of office space so that his team can quickly get back to work.
“At this stage, I think we are looking at about a month before we can re-open,” he said.
“In the meantime, we are all very keen to get back to looking after our clients as quickly as possible.”
The fast rising flood waters washed cars onto the footpath in front of the Ray White Nambour office in Currie Street.