Quality aged care continues despite global challenges
Chairperson Lenore Simpson and Executive Director Greg Mannion.
RangeCare has continued to grow and enhance its reputation in the community, despite the impacts of Covid, floods and labour shortage challenges, its AGM was told on Friday.
Recently appointed Executive Director (and former Chief Executive Officer) Greg Mannion said RangeCare’s national win at Leading Age Services Australia’s ‘Excellence in Age Services Award’ was testament to the effort the team had applied during the pandemic.
Executive Director Greg Mannion.
“We lost staff and volunteers due to the vaccination mandate, have experienced enormous amounts of sick leave and mandatory isolation, we went through the floods in February and again in April, and have found it near impossible to recruit new staff for most of 2022,” he said.
Despite the challenges, Mr Mannion said staff and volunteers had stepped up.
“We helped many people survive the pandemic and we are now continuing to do our best, despite the challenges.
“Our recent client survey shows our clients remain very satisfied with RangeCare, a feat many other businesses will not be able to record in 2022.
“Our people are incredible and are driven by one thing - making a difference to our clients. This includes our wonderful volunteers who selflessly provide their time to make our organisation even stronger.”
Tight labour market
Tony Brett, Nita Lester, Div 10 Cr David Law and Phillip Lester attended the AGM.
Chairperson Lenore Simpson said a tight labour market made recruiting new people very difficult.
“These issues have plagued most industries and businesses across Australia, but in true RangeCare style we have battled through and continued to deliver to our valued clients,” she said. RangeCare also continued to focus on growth opportunities, which were critical to securing its future.
Gary Holland is RangeCare’s newly-appointed Chief Operating Officer.
“Our activities in Gympie have expanded again this year, as have our development plans for Flaxton. We also continue to expand our footprint across the Sunshine Coast.
“Our industry is going through some major changes and we must be prepared as these changes occur.
“The recent Royal Commission into Aged Care continues to influence the industry, both in funding models and standards of care.
“Fortunately our work over the past few years has provided financial security which will be important as we navigate these changes.”
RangeCare Needs You
Newly-appointed Chief Operating Officer Gary Holland said RangeCare was currently recruiting for a range of positions across their four locations.
“That’s definitely a short-term focus for our team,” he said.
“Our recruitment and our retention of the great staff that we have is crucial right now.
“I’m proud to be part of the organization because of the people that I work with — from our staff to the volunteers, including the board.
“The volunteers make a huge contribution to the organization and allow us to do that special work we do which most people would agree is above and beyond what maybe other organizations do.”
If you are interested in joining the RangeCare team and making a difference in your local community, call 07 5445 7044 or visit www.rangecare.com.au