Petrie Creek BushCare up & running
Division 10 Cr David Law came to say g’day to volunteers including Nadia Joyce, Norm Morwood, Jim Egerton, Malcolm Rudd, Paul Geoghegan, Cheryl Geoghegan, Mona Bruckhoff, Graeme Jones, Karen Reid and Kel Callaghan and show support for the community group.
Petrie Creek BushCare is back up and running thanks to the improvement of the situation with the virus and relaxation of restrictions by Sunshine Coast Council.
We have a limit of 10 people max at the moment and had to disappoint some people, particularly at our first event at Namba Ck (Model Railway Park) on Saturday 20 June.
The photo shows most of us who attended on that day as well as new Division 10 Cr David Law who came to say g’day and show support for this community group of volunteers. Thanks David.
This BCSC volunteer program is a wonderful feature of the SCC and expertly run by the Officers in conjunction with the volunteers.
We put in a couple of hours of catching up on what has happened on the site while we’ve been absent for a few months, getting through the new procedures to keep us safe from The Virus.
And then, of course, continuing the work of creating habitat for native animals by clearing weeds and developing native vegetation. Since then we’ve had another event on Wednesday 24th at Gulung Gung near Quota Park where the team of 11 (including SCC officer Nadia) concentrated on clearing Singapore Daisy and other weeds and replanting natives in the small creek.
Great progress was made in the couple of hours. We even got back to having a cuppa and a chat afterwards. Almost like normal.
Working Bees are set to continue at the three sites on Petrie Creek on the first and third Saturdays and the 4th Wednesday of each month.
For more details or to contact us, take a look at our Facebook page or the SCC website”.