Nambour State College program fosters creative minds

Year 9 student Ali Poland on guitar.

By Janine Hill

Applications are open for a Nambour State College program fostering the next generation of creative minds.

The Nambour Academy of Creative Arts was established in 2019 to encourage students’ passionate about the creative arts.

The program is open to year seven, eight, nine and 10 students and provides them with extra opportunities in art, music, dance and drama.

The head of the school’s arts department, Liz Clout, said participating students attended two extra classes a week in their chosen subject area, usually at 8am.

The classes are vertically integrated, meaning that classes for each subject contain students from across the four year levels.

“It’s working in an extended space. They get more time for their passion subjects than if they were doing the regular classes,” Ms Clout said.

“We find the vertical classes work really well. There’s collective learning across the year levels. It’s really important. It brings like-minded students together.”

Ms Clout said NACA students often participated in creative events which showcased their talents.

Some NACA students recently attended CGEN – Creative Generation – in Brisbane.

“I think there was about 1800 students on stage this year. It’s a large number of students to be a part of and we’re really excited about that.

“We believe the extra NACA classes have been the reason students have been able to get these opportunities.”

Ms Clout said NACA linked with The Old Ambo, Nambour’s creative hub, and held an annual visual arts exhibition there.

Some NACA students sometimes went on to certificate level studies in years 11 and 12, she said.

Ms Clout, said about 170 students applied for the last annual NACA intake.

The number of places offered was dependent upon timetables and teacher availability, she said.

To submit an expression of interest, go to, and click on the curriculum tab and then excellence programs.


Celebration of Nambour creativity planned for July 30


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