Letters to the Editor: Jawed dog traps. Is this humane?

Council apparently catching dogs with jawed traps. Is this humane?

We think people need to know there are Sunshine Coast Council-monitored dog traps (jawed) being set in at least one place in our hinterland. 

I know because my wife and our neighbour witnessed this on Saturday February 4 this year.

She followed the prolonged and pitiful howling of an injured dog somewhere on the opposite creek bank of Petrie Creek to our place. 

They came upon a female pet domestic pup, not even 12 months old, trapped by the leg in the trap’s jaws. 

Just as they approached, the voice of a council worker told them to come no further – they’d be trespassing on private property! 

As they were on the creek bank and not on private property (it’s Crown land so the public can access) they paid no heed and comforted the pup who just wagged her tail and settled a bit. 

Then the council chap opened the jaws of the trap- which was monitored by a camera back to council offices. This trap was placed at a landowner request. We thought such traps weren’t used now, especially as any animal (bandicoots, wallabies included) could step on it. The council man was good enough to get back to us later that day and tell us the vet had reported no fracture and the pup went to the pound. 

My wife met with Cr Winston Johnston who was amazed these traps are still used. Surely we can trap roaming animals more humanely. 

– Name & address, withheld on request.

CBD safety: Let’s get proactive before something drastic happens

Regarding the break and enters, stolen vehicles, drug problems and other crime-related incidents happening in various towns throughout the Hinterland, especially Nambour, I offer the following solution.

A meeting should be called by the Local Councillor and the State MP ASAP to find a solution. 

The meeting should include Police, Emergency Services, Welfare Agencies, Paramedics, Community Reps and any other revelant parties to find a solution. 

It achieves nothing to say it is no worse than other places or deny there is a problem at all. First of all, we need to accept there is a problem own it and get on and fix it. 

I understand Council has instigated yet another study into Nambour to find a solution. 

Poor old Nambour has had, in the past, more studies than you can get at Harvard University. 

The State Government are going to strengthen the laws and that’s all very good. But, again, that is down the track. 

The people with boots on the ground like the people I have listed above know what the problems are. 

Get them all in a room together and I’m sure they will come up with a solution. 

Let’s get proactive and not reactive before something more drastic happens.

– Trevor Thompson, Former Deputy Mayor Maroochy Shire Council


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