Infrastructure summit points to opportunities for Nambour

Fairfax MP Ted O’Brien, Rhonda Billett and Cr David Law attended the summit.

Promising opportunities for Nambour, in its role as a hinterland gateway, were highlighted at the inaugural Sunshine Coast Infrastructure Summit, held on Friday (June 2).

Government representatives, community leaders and business owners were challenged at the summit to inform a prioritised infrastructure plan through to 2050. 

Local  businesswoman and chair of the Nambour Groups organisation Rhonda Billett said the meeting  identified challenges and opportunities for Nambour and surrounds. 

“The hinterland areas have become increasingly popular as places to live and visit during Covid and now post Covid,” she said.  

“We have a lush green landscape here in the hinterland gateway, with natural waterways and abundant wildlife that is proving to be one of this region’s biggest drawcards and an asset to nurture into the future.”

Opportunities also existed with Nambour chosen to host a 2032 Olympic event at the Parklands Mountain Biking facility. “Our international visitors will require accomodation and transportation in the Nambour and surrounding areas and we will be looking for private investment and government investment to assist regarding this future forecast. 

“We can’t afford to miss any opportunities that will enhance our local towns, improve our transport systems and grow local employment opportunities while maintaining a great lifestyle that we all love whether you are a long time local or a visitor to the area.

“We will also have large projections of people wanting to move to this area over the next 25 years, so brainstorming concepts on how we deal with this, as well as identifying how to pay for much-needed infrastructure is imperative.

“Personally, I think we have to get the balance right between infrastructure implementation whilst preserving our environment that we are famous for in this Gateway Hinterland region.” 

• Regularly updated investor pathway links are available on the “I Am Nambour” web site ( to encourage potential investors in the “Hinterland Gateway” region.

Breakfast Meeting to promote Nambour’s role as Hinterland Gateway 

Nambour Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Sunshine Coast Council, will be hosting a meeting in the Nambour CBD-Lowe St Town Square from 8am-10.30am June 21.

The comprehensive coffee catch up aims to connect people, but to also discuss the future of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland Gateway region.  

If you own a local business, are a property owner or you run a local club from the Visit Sunshine Coast Sub-Region (Eudlo, Palmwoods, Woombye, Diddillibah, Nambour or Bli Bli) are invited to come along, have a coffee and catch up.  RSVP is preferred for catering purposes phone Maree on 0408 549 571. 


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