You’re invited to ... A morning with the masters in a tranquil Maleny lakeside setting
Come spend the morning with artists, from left, Heather Jones, Jackie Seckold and Madeline Herbert at Heathberry Studio, overlooking the beautiful lake located at 166 Curramore Road, Maleny on Saturday.
The beauty of painting ensures a singular work can generate a multitude of stories in the imaginations of all its beholders.
This story may be simple or complicated and the viewer could ultimately stumble upon – or immediately recognise – the actual inspiration of the creator.
There can be no more accurate context than the story behind the artist, providing the ultimate understanding of the intended narrative.
It’s hard to imagine a more compelling story than that of a life lived large - and long.
Heather Jones is in her early 90s, and her award-winning art in the mediums of oils, pastels and bark is headlining Maleny Art Direct’s latest exhibition.
Heather’s work will feature along with the acclaimed watercolours and acrylics of Madeline Herbert and the ceramic sculptures and acrylic creations of Jacqui Seckold.
These three creative journeys span more than 40 years, transcending time and their collective creativity to form a masterpiece of enduring friendship.
They bonded at an artists’ workshop and now they are sharing decades of storytelling with their brushes in the upcoming event, A Morning With the Masters.
Traditionally art exhibitions are staged indoors. A Morning with the Masters will be bathed in the raw, fresh light of the outdoors, allowing guests to interact with the artists and discuss their stories while they provide insights and tips to those eager to follow their fabled footsteps.
In a setting that would surely inspire Monet himself - join organisers in a gorgeous garden overlooking a tranquil lake at Heather Jones’ Heathberry Studio.
Everyone is welcome to BYO easel and sketch pads to start painting your very own stories with the guidance and the inspiration of three wonderful women ready to tell so many of their own.
Morning Tea will be available by a cash donation. A great display of works created over a lifetime will be showcased and available for purchase, including gems on exhibition for the first time.
It’s on Saturday November 25 from 9.30 to 11.30am at Curramore Rd, Curramore. RSVP phone 0413 885 220 or