Council embarrassed, locals shocked by 55-unit oversight

Extensive earthworks are being carried out on the site, much to the annoyance of some locals.

Palmwoods Residents are shocked and Sunshine Coast Council embarrassed by an oversight regarding extensive earth works currently being undertaken on a floodplain in the middle of town. 

“No public information was made available to the local community by the developer about the commencement of the works on what is some of the last remaining high quality potential sites for public parkland in Palmwoods,” said Paul Stephenson in a letter to the editor (see inside). “Locals are outraged by the continued overdevelopment of the hinterland and local communities, with foreign developers making obscene profits at the expense of local communities.”

Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston took responsibility for the blunder on Council’s behalf. He said he was as amazed as everyone else that the work was being carried out. “I was totally unaware that existing approvals for both 55 Multiple Dwelling Units and Operational Works Approval were in place,” he said in a letter to residents who had enquired about the work.  

“After extensive investigation, I have discovered that an application was refused by council in 2009/10 and subsequently the applicant appealed that decision and was granted approval by the court in 2011.

“As the court approval and the operational capital works approvals were issued prior to the gazettal of the 2014 SCC Town Plan it would normally have lapsed within a few years. “However as the approval was granted by the Planning and Environment Court, Council  could not rescind the approval.

“The current earth works relate to the courts planning approval which required these works in the flood-plain by constructing a retention basin which will increase the capacity of the flood-plain to compensate for the loss of flood-storage above the bunded area to the east of the land as per the plans below.

“I am quite embarrassed that neither the council’s Developmenti website, nor staff in our current planning team were aware of these approvals. Please accept my sincere apologies for misleading those residents who were kind enough to contact me.” 

Cr Johnston said the area being developed for town housing was relatively small. 

“The earthworks currently being undertaken are for the court-approved increase in the flood retention basin. 

“Council has never considered purchasing this land for park purposes because it regularly floods and is only suitable for grazing of animals.”


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