Children of the Hoard: A Poignant Installation in Nambour

Nambour’s Old Ambulance Station Gallery is set to host a compelling mixed media installation titled “Children of the Hoard,” running until September 21. 

The exhibition delves into the often hidden emotional and physical turmoil experienced by children raised in hoarding environments.

The installation features an array of dollhouses, each meticulously constructed from everyday items such as clothes, toys, books, and food, piled into chaotic, towering formations. These structures aim to mirror the claustrophobic and overwhelming conditions these children face daily. Scattered across the gallery floor are narratives from adult children of hoarders, offering visitors a glimpse into their concealed struggles.

“Children of the Hoard” is not just an exhibition but a visceral journey into the suffocating spaces that symbolize both lost childhoods and the overshadowed existence of those who grew up amidst compulsive hoarding. The broken toys and forgotten dreams within the dollhouses serve as poignant reminders of the neglect suffered.

By inviting the audience to literally step into the stories of its subjects—whether by walking over them or stopping to pick them up—the installation fosters a deep sense of empathy and recognition for these often-unseen victims. The impact is a powerful confrontation with the emotional scars left by living in such conditions, highlighting the silent and enduring struggles of these individuals.


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