Delicate balancing act: Habitat creators face ‘camping’ challenge along Petrie Creek

“Unfortunately, homeless individuals often choose areas we’ve painstakingly cleared and planted.”

Norm Morwood and others restoring natural habitat for native animals are facing a delicate dilemma. As the group works tirelessly to clear weeds and plant native flora along Nambour’s Petrie Creek, they find their efforts thwarted by an unexpected challenge: homeless camps.

Norm has been reluctant to broach the ongoing and delicate issue for fear people will think he has anything but sympathy for people who are homeless. But the problem is ongoing and he hopes that the situation may improve if the people concerned are more aware.

“Unfortunately, homeless individuals often choose areas we’ve painstakingly cleared and planted, only to have our work destroyed,” he said. “It’s been very disappointing.”

The issue, while contentious, is significant. “Our work is destroyed before the native animal habitat has had time to establish.”

The recent spotlight on camping along Petrie Creek has brought the matter to the forefront. Norm, while reluctant to complain, acknowledges the complexity. “Most people would agree that the lack of housing is a bigger problem, of course,” he said. “Appropriate housing is the solution, and I’m a big supporter of that. I just ask that they take a little care where they set up and what they disrupt.”

While navigating this sensitive issue, Norm hopes that sharing a photo of the impact will shed light on the challenges faced by his group and prompt the campers to take more care.


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