Burnside Neighbourhood Watch shares crime prevention advice

IF you’re searching for a New Year’s Resolution, Rod Brady and Tony Bryant from Burnside Neighbourhood Watch, pictured, have plenty of ideas and information to help you stay safer at your place in 2025.

They will run information stands in the Nambour Plaza on the first Thursday of each month right through the year, with free information and resources on Crime Prevention, Personal Safety, Home Security and Staying Safe Online.

Tony Bryant said: “As Neighbourhood Watch members, we don’t actually catch offenders, that’s the job of the Queensland Police Service. Our task is to offer a range of information to our residents, helping them make their homes and cars more secure, and on the best ways to report crime or provide related information to Police”.

Area Coordinator Rod Brady said the group’s next public meeting will be on Wednesday 5th February from 7pm at The Hope Church in Windsor Road, where a Queensland Police Officer is usually present to discuss any specific crime-related matters.

• The group also distributes a quarterly newsletter, which is available on their information stands, and they can be found online at www.nhwq.org/Burnside or on Facebook.


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