Career options covered at State High's novel ‘Ute Day’

Year 10 Head of Year and organiser Kris Curd. 

Burnside State High School’s annual “Ute Day” was held on June 2 with 12 Nambour businesses supporting the event. 

“The aim of the day is to provide Burnside SHS’s Year 10 cohort an insight into a multitude of “hands-on” type jobs and careers available to them once they finish their school journey,” said Year 10 Head of Year and organiser Kris Curd. 

The event featured businesses from construction, automotive, surf lifesaving, electrical, transportation, aeronautical, arborists, water solutions, overseas camp leaders and the Queensland Police Service. 

Students received a brief presentation from each business before asking questions of their own.

All businesses provided great feedback regarding engagement from the students and were impressed with their attentiveness throughout the day. 

“Burnside SHS has provided this job expo day to their students for over a decade and we have been lucky to retain many local businesses who consistently come back to support the school and their students,” said Mr Curd. 

“The connection between the school and the surrounding businesses assists in fostering a collaborative community culture and is something the school prides itself on. Burnside SHS would like to give a large thank-you to all business who have supported the school and look forward to hosting the annual ‘Ute Day’ in the years to come.”


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