Blackall Range Woodcrafters’ Guild to open Santa's Workshop
The Blackall Range Woodcrafters’ Guild will open their exciting ‘Santa's Workshop’ on Saturday, December 6 from 9am until 8pm and Sunday, December 7 from 9am-2pm. All the elves’ hard work will be on display to see and purchase, and everything is locally made by volunteer craftsmen and women – nothing is imported!Products range from children’s pull along toys to educational toys, rocking horses, exquisite clocks and carvings, squatters’ chairs, blanket boxes, small pieces of furniture and much more.To keep up your energy levels and good seasonal mood, tea, coffee and home-made yummies as well as their famous sausage sizzle will be available throughout the day, and all at very reasonable prices.Funds raised on this weekend go towards maintenance and purchase of machinery and materials used to create items needed for community projects, toys and beautiful products for sale.Besides keeping some 170 mature folk off the streets, this Guild produces and donates a variety of items to the community as well as many hundreds of toys to the Salvation Army to distribute at Christmas time for needy families. Last year they provided over 750 items!This is your opportunity to purchase some 100 percent Blackall Range produced Christmas gifts. Bring Mum and Dad as well as the grandparents, and see their faces light up at so many non-plastic items.When you go along to watch and enjoy the switching on of the Christmas lights on Saturday night, don’t forget to drop into St. Mary’s Hall on the Green in Montville and have a yarn with some of the members. Who knows, you may even decide to join them!