QCWA High Tea marks Women’s Day in style

From left, Vicki Paul, Gay Bennett, Lyn Simpson, Maureen Carroll, Meg Woods and Mary Lambart.

From left, Vicki Paul, Gay Bennett, Lyn Simpson, Maureen Carroll, Meg Woods and Mary Lambart.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Yandina Branch of the Country Women’s Association hosted a High Tea with delicious food, fine china, beautifully decorated tables and great company.

Once again this was a very popular event with over 50 ladies attending across the two COVID-safe sittings.  The ladies enjoyed the mix of home-made savoury and sweet treats while learning about the QCWA and what the Yandina Branch does. It was a great opportunity for those present to socialise, meet new people and enjoy a chat over a cuppa in a beautiful setting.

Funds raised will be used to support members of the local community. President Maureen Brook wanted to extend a special thanks to the ladies who attended and to local businesses who donated items including Princes Laundry (supplied tablecloths), Officeworks (donated umbrellas and journals to pass on to the DV shelter), Pioneer Coffee, Brows and Beauty by Chloe (lucky door prizes) and member Jenny Douglas (Nutrimetics pack for raffle).

For more information about the Yandina Branch of the QCWA please see their Facebook page: Facebook.com/qcwayandina or contact President Maureen on 0478659639 or email qcwayandina@gmail.com.


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