Woombye employees urged to not clog key parking spaces in main street  

Woombye store owners are concerned that local business employee’s cars are parking illegally over the two hour limit and affecting the economy of the town.

Shop owners have reportedly urged staff to please leave the main street’s more convenient car parks for customers to allow parking space turnover and more trade.

WCBA Vice-president Grant Palethorpe was aware of the issue and said his organisation had suggested to Council they send out their parking inspectors over a period of several weeks. 

“The idea put forward is the inspectors would not issue infringement notices, but rather leave a reminder note reiterating the new parking limits,” Mr Palethorpe said. 

Div 5 Cr Winston Johnston thanked Woombye business owners for taking proactive action by requesting that all staff of Woombye businesses park in areas other than the Main Street. 

“In reality this matter is a no-brainer and we would all like to think that all business owners will in future ensure that their employees respect the need to keep valuable parking spaces available for customers,” Cr Johnston said.  

Mr Palethorpe said the issue of staff parking for lengthy periods seemed to come up every few months. 

“It’s likely around new employees to town not being aware of the time limits and the impact it has on business,” he said.

“We implore business owners to remind their staff time limits for parking do apply. And they need to park away from the centre of town, whether that is Hill, Wakefield or Barts Streets. We have shared this message on our Facebook page ‘Woombye WCBA & Friends’ previously, and will continue to help raise the awareness of this issue.”


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