When you need great fitting dentures
Experienced dental technician Ric Whatling helps patients feel confident with his fast turnaround service.
Unless you have experienced challenges with dentures or dental prosthetics it is impossible to imagine how miserable life can be. And this extends to confidence in your appearance, as well as your ability to enjoy life to its fullest.
Ric Whatling of Dentureland in Landsborough has 30 years of experience as a senior dental technician. He is also a registered Dental Prosthetist so he is keenly aware of some of the issues that people with dental prosthetics face.
“I learned very early on that the key to making excellent dental prosthetics was to observe three simple principles; fit, form and function,” Ric said. “Dental prosthetics must fit the wearer properly, have good retention, look and feel natural, and obviously, work well to comfortably chew food. If any one of those criteria are not right, life can be very arduous for the wearer,” he said.
There is a saying that ‘you are never fully dressed without a smile’
Ric took over the long established denture clinic from Peter Langlois in July 2018, and has named it Dentureland. He has quickly cemented his reputation as a skilled and experienced technician and prosthetist. Coupled with his caring nature, Ric has built a loyal patient base who trust him to take care of their dental prosthetics. He also continues to look after Peter’s past clientele.
“Most of the work is done in house or locally,” Ric said. “This means that I can turn work around faster and generally, it is far more cost effective for my patients. In some cases the work can be turned around on the same day and can be substantially less than what people might expect to pay. I can offer same day denture repairs, relines and additions. For example, a patient can arrive at 9am to have an impression taken and then return for a fitting at lunch time, so they are only without their dentures for a minimal time. ”
Ric has worked for many years at the Caloundra Hospital in the Oral Health Unit, and continues to provide that service for two days each week. “I have decided to keep this role because working in a very high pressure environment like the Oral Health Unit keeps me on my toes, and across the latest advances in technology and technique,” Ric said. “I think it ultimately benefits my private patients that I am constantly learning and participating in continuing professional development.”
Ric offers full and partial dentures and particularly enjoys creating custom dentures and prosthetics that look natural and enhance their smile for his patients.
“I am actually a musician as well, so I like using my hands and melding the creative and artistic with the technical,” he said.
“There is a saying that ‘you are never fully dressed without a smile’, and this is so true. But there are many people who underestimate the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile. When people lack confidence in their appearance and cannot eat without discomfort, it can cause a great deal of anxiety. So when my patients are fitted with their new dentures and they have the confidence to properly smile, it makes me extremely happy. I think helping to give people confidence and make them happy is the most rewarding aspect of my work.”
Dentureland is conveniently situated on the ground floor next to the Doctors Surgery in the Medical Centre in Landsborough and has plenty of car parking spaces right out front. The clinic is completely wheelchair and walker friendly, and there is a disability car park closest to the clinic. Although he has a Cert 3 in Aged Care, and deals with many elderly patients, Ric can also make custom mouthguards for younger patients.
Ric is available for appointments during business hours on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Outside of business hours you may also make an appointment if required on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Ric offers a mobile service and all consultations are strictly by appointment.
• Dentureland is at 3/3 Maleny Street Landsborough, call 5494 1711 or 0402 744 614.