WCBA: ‘Have your say on proposed new planning scheme’

Woombye residents are being encouraged to register their concerns in order to prevent the possibility of their town being cut in two by any possible future rail overpass plans. 

Everyone agrees there’s nothing firmly in place but Woombye resident and retired civil engineer Ken Hudson reckons a potential Woombye overpass is a possibility especially considering the cash that will be thrown at infrastructure projects with the looming Olympics. 

The Woombye Community & Business Association got on the front foot last week urging members to have a say to Council during the current Planning Scheme public consultation.   

“The idea of an overpass came up around 2008,” said WCBA vice-president Grant Palethorpe. “There are no concept design plans or set dates at this time. There’s no time-frame, we can only assume it would be when duplication finally happens. With the Olympics coming there will be a renewed push for duplication.

“An overpass would pass over the train line between the scout den and next to the War Memorial. Depending on how duplication is delivered we may also lose the Woombye Snakes, Scouts and Pony Club. 

“This (project) would be delivered by the State. Regardless, we should also make comments to Council during the planning scheme public consultation.”

Mr Palethorpe said any plans for an overpass would clash with Woombye residents’ vision for their town. 

“Council have been working with us to deliver the Blackall Street streetscape,” he said. 

“The feedback Woombye gave Council was for a ‘pedestrian friendly street’, ‘slowing traffic’ and ‘improving pedestrian safety’.

“As you can imagine Council’s investment in creating a pedestrian-friendly street will be destroyed if an overpass is built. Increased traffic volumes, larger trucks and speed will all impact us.” 

  • To have your say go to: www.haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/newplanningscheme/woombye-palmwoods (Scroll down the the page and press ‘take the short survey’). 

Nothing in pipeline: MP Rob Skelton reassures town

Meanwhile, Member for Nicklin Rob Skelton has reassured Woombye residents that the Department of Transport & Main Roads has no current plans for an overpass. 

“I’ve been in contact with TMR and they have assured me they do not have any current plans for an overpass through Woombye village, and there is no funding allocated to investigate any such proposal, which would have significant impacts in a highly constrained environment,” he said. “TMR understand the village atmosphere of Woombye is an important part of the community and existing buildings and infrastructure are important community assets. 

“TMR would like to reassure the community they remain committed to keeping the community updated on any major projects in the planning, design or construction phases. Even minor developments will trigger consultation with the community before it goes ahead.”


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