Member recognized for helping TramCo lay tracks of progress

TramCo Chairman Greg Rogerson presents the plaque to lifetime member Paul Moriarty.

The Nambour Tramway Company (TNTCo) held a lunch at Flaxton Gardens last weekend to celebrate the awarding of Life Membership to founding Chairman Paul Moriarty.

The catch-up also doubled as an opportunity to celebrate the 10 year milestone anniversary of the inception of TNTCo.

Former councillor and current TNTCo Chairman Greg Rogerson said the ‘Life Membership’ was in acknowledgement of Paul’s work in uniting and leading the charge to bring life back to the heritage-listed cane train lines running through Nambour CBD.

Since TNTCo was founded 10 years ago, there have been four chairmen.

Past chairs Rod Wilkins and Steve Brazier, together with current Chairman Greg Rogerson, were all in attendance to pay tribute to Paul for his outstanding commitment and dedication to TNTCo and the Tram Project in general.

Mr Rogerson also praised the behind-the-scenes work performed by Paul’s wife Roz and all the past and present Director’s wives and partners. “Because without their staunch support along this arduous journey, the Tram Project may have never reached reality,” he said.

“Additional and never-ending praise and gratitude must also go to Roy and Nola Thompson and Rod and Jan Forrester for their extremely benevolent, financial contribution toward the whole Tram Project.”


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