Local Federal MPs fly flag for pride in Australia Day
Ted O’Brien with one of the stickers.
With Australia Day under pressure from governments, corporate Australia and local councils, Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien has launched a response by supplying free Australia Day merchandise to his electorate.
Designed with the message “Proud of our Country” and “Proud of our Flag”, complimentary bumper stickers are being offered by Mr O’Brien to his constituents as part of his call to Australians to celebrate Australia Day with pride and patriotism on January 26.
The Federal MP said he was fighting back against controversial moves to silence or cancel Australia Day.
Locally, Mr O’Brien criticised Sunshine Coast Council after its decision to re-schedule and re-brand its annual Australia Day Awards ceremony, which have traditionally taken place on January 26.
“Where was the public consultation in my own community about this decision?” asked Mr O’Brien saying Council removed the Australia Day awards “on the quiet”.
The Sunshine Coast Council has replaced its Australia Day Awards ceremony with a community awards ceremony dubbed the “Biosphere Community Awards”, which will be held in mid-June.
A council spokesman said the change “provided an opportunity to align with and promote our unique global Biosphere status”.
“Sunshine Coast Council continues to support Australia Day and is a proud host of the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony, attended by more than 250 recipients and their guests annually,” the spokesperson said.
“I stand against any attempt to cancel or silence Australian patriotism,” said Mr O’Brien.
“Australia Day is meant to be a day of unity, to celebrate our liberal democracy, our values of freedom and equality, and to give thanks to our ‘way of life’ which is the envy of the world.
“At least citizenship ceremonies are set to proceed here on the Coast, but I’m astounded that councils elsewhere have gone even further by denying new Australians the opportunity to become citizens on our national day.
“I’m calling on all proud Australians to not only celebrate this Australia Day but to do so with positivity and optimism.
“It’s why I’m providing Australia Day merchandise,” said Mr O’Brien. “ I refuse to let the anti-Australian brigade ruin Australia Day and so let’s respond to their woke negativity with expressions of pride and patriotism.”
Australia Day bumper stickers are being provided to constituents of Mr O’Brien’s electorate who register online at www.tedobrien.com.au.
‘We celebrate our Indigenous heritage, we celebrate settlement in this country’: Member for Fisher backs pride in national day
Meanwhile, Federal Member for Fisher Andrew Wallace encouraged his electorate to “Sign, Show, and Share” their pride in the nation on January 26.
The Sunshine Coast MP called on all levels of Government, as well as big tech and corporate Australia to cease their campaign of “shame and ideology” around Australia Day.
“We celebrate our Indigenous heritage, we celebrate settlement in this country, and we celebrate our diversity. It is what, together, has made us the greatest country in the world,” Mr Wallace said.
“We aren’t perfect, but it is a positive thing to celebrate all the things that make us uniquely Australian including the opportunities and freedom we enjoy, and to learn from our past to ensure our future is brighter than ever.”
Sign the flag bearer petition at www.andrewwallacemp.com.au/flagbearer.