Men’s Shed crafts new table for Kindy kids

A skillful conversion of a simple, past used, large wooden electric cable reel has brought delight to the 20-plus children attending the Palmwoods Community Kindergarten.

It all began when Kindergarten Director Roseann Gresinger approached the Shed’s Vice President of Operations Gary Lloyd-Jones with a request to construct a table suitable for young children.

It was decided that the cable reel converted would be ideal, being round, it would enable several children to be at the table at the one time. On its side it was also the correct height for the children to stand at. Plus, its weight and diameter negated any risk of it toppling over and injuring a child. 

Shed Member and former carpenter Tommy Wickerson volunteered to take on the task. He attached a wooden banding around the top edge and then added a covering circular sheet of plywood to ensure a smooth surface for the children.

The table was completed at the Sunshine Valley Men’s Shed facilities, Blackall Range Road, West Woombye and then delivered to the Kindergarten on Monday July 25. 

“Judging by the children’s reaction when the new table was delivered to the Centre, it will certainly get a lot of use over the years,” a spokesperson said. 

This is just one of the many projects the Sunshine Valley Men’s Shed provides to the local community. 

A group that enables men of the local community to gather, socialise, complete their own woodwork or metalwork projects in addition to assisting other member activities such as horticulture, bee keeping and keeping up supplies to the Shed’s roadside produce stall. Enquiries

From left, Shed Member Tommy Wickerson, Palmwoods Community Kindy Director & Teacher Roseann Gresinger, Shed Vice-Pesident of Operations Gary Lloyd- Jones and Shed Vice-President of Projects Kerry Fisher admire the table.


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