Their Pitch, Your Vote: Get to Know the Division 10 Council Candidates

From left, Camillo Primavera, Peter Walsh, incumbent Cr David Law and Sue Etheridge at Chamber’s Meet the Candidates event.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 candidates have told a Nambour Chamber of Commerce ‘Meet the Candidates’ evening why they should get your vote.

Incumbent Cr David Law, Peter Walsh, Camillo Primavera and Sue Etheridge were each given five minutes at Nambour State College’s Hungerford Hall on Tuesday night (February 27) to introduce themselves and explain why ratepayers should vote them in.

This was in addition to a similar platform provided for Mayoral Candidates Rosanna Natoli, Min Swan, Ashley Robinson, Wayne Parcell, Jason O’Pray and Michael Burgess.

See their pitches in the videos below.

Scroll down to see each candidates’ responses

Div 10 Candidate David Law

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 Candidate David Law speaks at the Nambour Chamber of Commerce ‘Meet the Candidates’ event February 27, 2024.

Div 10 Candidate Peter Walsh

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 Candidate Peter Walsh speaks at the Nambour Chamber of Commerce ‘Meet the Candidates’ event February 27, 2024.

Div 10 Candidate Camillo Primavera

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 Candidate Camillo Primavera speaks at the Nambour Chamber of Commerce ‘Meet the Candidates’ event February 27, 2024.

Div 10 Candidate Sue Etheridge

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 Candidate Sue Etheridge speaks at the Nambour Chamber of Commerce ‘Meet the Candidates’ event February 27, 2024.

Mayoral Candidate Rosanna Natoli

Sunshine Coast Council Mayoral Candidate Rosanna Natoli

Mayoral Candidate Ashley Robinson

Mayoral Candidate Ashley Robinson

Mayoral Candidate Jason O’Pray

Sunshine Coast Council Mayoral Candidate Jason O’Pray


Mayoral Candidate Min Swan

Mayoral candidate Min Swan

Mayoral Candidate Wayne Parcell

Sunshine Coast Council Mayoral Candidate Wayne Parcell

Mayoral Candidate Michael Burgess

Sunshine Coast Council Mayoral Candidate Michael Burgess


Meet Your Candidates: Division 5 Contenders Share Their Visions


Watch: Sunshine Coast Mayoral candidates pitch for hinterland vote