Etheridge pledges to protect our unique character
Sue Etheridge: “I will transfer the power away from developments and back to the community”.
DIVISION 10 candidate Sue Etheridge has promised to respect the town plan and protect what makes the Sunshine Coast different to the Gold Coast and Brisbane.
Speaking at a Nambour Chamber of Commerce meet the candidates event about her reasons for running for election, Ms Etheridge, a Greens candidate, spoke of more involvement for residents in development decisions.
“I’m standing for election to bring trust, transparency and integrity to council,” she said. “With your support I will ensure local residents and businesses are presented with a reliable future plan from the council and both existing and emerging industries are given every opportunity to capitalise on advances in all areas of innovation.
“As your division 10 representative in council, I will ensure that our plan is respected and will advocate for our new plan to be enhanced to protect our lifestyle, ensuring the Sunshine Coast retains the nuances that define who we are in contrast to Brisbane and the Gold Coast. With me as your councillor, you will have town planning that protects our community and lifestyle from poor planning and inappropriate development, and I will transfer the power away from developments and back to the community by involving you directly in development decisions.”
Ms Etheridge said those most affected by planning decisions should be given the greatest say and said the council should notify residents by electronic means of code assessable planning applications within a certain distance, depending on zoning, and the distance increased for impact assessable applications to reflect the greater impact.
Accessible transport, improved parking, improved pedestrian and cyclist safety, affordable housing, family violence support, disability services, climate change mitigation and adaptation were also on the agenda for the hinterland resident of more than 40 years.
Ms Etheridge, who owns and runs a building company and an aviation theory school, has experience in finance, banking, accounting and business management, and not-for-profit and community organisations.
Reader’s Question on roads, rates and rubbish
Trevor asked: Which candidates, mayoral and divisional, commit to getting back to basics, stay in their lane and stop spending ratepayers’ funds on what are essentially State and Federal responsibilities?
Ms Etheridge:
Not me! Modern Councils are so much more than roads, rates and rubbish which deliver ‘services to property’. While ‘services to property’ do matter, modern Councils deliver ‘services to people’ as well. Modern Councils, as the level of Government most connected to their constituents, listen to residents and advocates for the needs of the local community. Modern Councils acknowledge climate change, and work on green projects for a healthier environment.
Modern Councils reflect local community values, and deliver services that contribute to a healthier and fairer society, including affordable housing solutions, and recognition of First Nations heritage. Modern Councils that engage with bigger, contentious issues are what the majority of ratepayers/residents expect, and are here to stay.