Small Change makes a big difference to Nambour's main street

Ben and Kimberly Conicella at the big, new Small Change Espresso ... “We saw a gap for a licensed cafe that had slightly different offerings to a pub”.

Since taking over Small Change Espresso in Bury Street Nambour at the beginning of 2022, Ben and Kimberly Conicella have initiated big changes that will present a fresh face to Nambour’s CBD.

“When we first bought Small Change we weren’t really sure what direction we wanted to take the business in but as time went by all the pieces started to come together, and here we are,” Ben said.

“There are some awesome cafes in town, and Pubs for nighttime hospitality, but nothing really in between. We saw a gap for a licensed cafe that had slightly different offerings to a pub. That was our vision and we have been plugging away to make that happen.”

Initially Ben and Kimberly investigated moving the growing business into the space that formerly housed Jaxons Cafe, in Howard Street.

“Everyone worked hard to bring that plan to fruition but we just struggled to make it work,” Ben said.

“When our building was sold last year, we weren’t really sure how the change of ownership would impact on our plans for Small Change, but working with the Constantinides family has been terrific,” he said.

Small Change Espresso is moving from its home at 8 Bury Street, just around the corner into Currie Street and as the renovations are taking place, a semi industrial, light, airy and chilled space is being revealed.

“Four weeks into the build we are only serving coffee and cake as we have another two to three weeks ahead of us to complete the kitchen and finalise our liquor licence,” said Ben. 

Between them, Ben and Kimberly have a broad range of career experiences from their lives before hospitality.

Ben is a mechanic by trade, but he also continues to work as a touring musician. Kimberly is a qualified teacher, Anti Bullying Coach and author of the ‘Bounce Back From Bullying’ journal for kids.

And to top it all off, the couple are parents to a six year old and 10 month old.

“It certainly makes the days very full and interesting!” said Ben. “Being Italian, I think I have coffee in my veins, so the pull to this industry is very strong. We also plan to have live acoustic music, as soon as we get settled in.

The couple’s first venture into the industry was with a coffee shop that they started from scratch in Sippy Downs during lockdowns.

“We built that first business up to the point that it attracted a buyer and that’s when we decided to buy Small Change and move our business into Nambour,” Ben explained. 

“We are so excited to be part of this community. There is so much going on in Nambour and we love being part of it.  

“An authentic Italian pizza place is moving into the space we have vacated and there is another wonderful new business opened next door in Currie Street, so I feel that new businesses will have the confidence to consider operating out of the main street. We all have great faith in the space, and in the town.”


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