Small Change Espresso adapts to big office exodus 

“We are an espresso bar focussed on coffee rather than food, and are quite reliant on the trade from the Council Chambers,” said owner, Jack Roffey.

“We are an espresso bar focussed on coffee rather than food, and are quite reliant on the trade from the Council Chambers,” said owner, Jack Roffey.

The big changes that we are learning to adapt to since COVID-19 restrictions became a reality for us all, represented a potentially devastating situation for Small Change Espresso.

Small Change Espresso is located in Bury Street, Nambour directly opposite the Nambour Library and Council Chambers. 

“We are an espresso bar focussed on coffee rather than food, and are quite reliant on the trade from the Council Chambers,” said owner, Jack Roffey. 

“So when the Council Chambers were closed and staff were working from home, it had a big impact on our business. Still, the locals have been absolutely amazing and we could not have stayed open without the support of their business during this hard time. 

“I guess we are fortunate that we have become known for our focus on delivering an unsurpassed quality of specialty coffee. Our beans are sustainably grown and are of the absolute highest quality. Every cup is carefully brewed so that it is memorable for our customers.

“We have a range of really delicious cakes, tarts, brownies and muffins to go with our coffee, specialty teas, Chais and hot chocolates. When we are not under restrictions, many of our regular customers like to come and enjoy our coffee while they work. We have a custom workstation set up and local entrepreneurs find it a very relaxing place to sit and work.” 

Small Change Espresso is at 8 Bury Street, Nambour or find them on Facebook.


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