Resident concerned for safety at busy College parking areas

Ian Smith says, despite action by St John’s College and Council, parents continue to park on yellow lines, obscuring the view of oncoming traffic. 

‘I’m just waiting for a serious accident to happen’

Frustrated Burnside resident Ian Smith is urging St John’s College parents to be more mindful of where they park when they pick up their kids from school. 

The Hall Court resident said the school zone around Perwillowen Road was dangerous at pick-up times.

“The illegal parking occurs on yellow lines leading to the junction of Perwillowen Road and Hall Court,” Mr Smith said. “Parents’ cars illegally parked on the yellow lines obscure vision and compromise safe access for students, parents and residents’ vehicles exiting Hall Court onto Perwillowen Road during drop-off and pick-up times. 

“I’m just waiting for a serious accident to happen because our next-door neighbour was nearly hit last week going out of Hall Court,” Mr Smith said. “People were parked on the yellow lines, and he couldn’t see oncoming traffic. He thought it was clear, and this car nearly whacked him. He had to swerve.”

Mr Smith said Div 10 Cr David Law and the College had done a lot to try to educate parents. “The school puts out information in the newsletters and Cr Law has assisted,” he said. “Two years ago, we managed to get Council to paint yellow lines and marked parking bays in our street because the parking was ridiculous.

“But the parents just don’t take any notice. And the school hasn’t got adequate drop-off and pick-up zones. Every afternoon it’s a problem. So, I don’t know, I’m at my wit’s end. I’m hitting my head against a brick wall.”

“As the year goes by the problem gets worse because students have their birthdays, get their licenses, and by the third or fourth term the whole place is chock-a-block with students’ cars.

“I believe the only way to change the behaviour is with punitive action. I am acutely concerned that a serious accident may occur should this behaviour be allowed to continue.”

Ian said that despite action by the College the problem “ongoing and worsening”.

“For safety reasons, residents would like to see more proactive action on the part of the school in addressing the situation including providing more designated parking, pick-up/drop-off bays at the school.”

St John’s College response

St John’s College Principal Martin Moloney said the school acknowledged that traffic on the Sunshine Coast had intensified as the population had increased. 

“St John’s College continues to strongly encourage community members to be mindful when parking around College grounds – safety of our students, parents and local community members are always at the forefront of our decisions. We will continue to work with our school community to promote safe transportation practices and urge parents and students to abide by pertinent rules and regulations when accessing our campus.”


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