Rotary Christmas Raffle. And the winner is ... Nambour!
First prize winners were Kevin & Heather McKeering.
For the first time in many years, all three prizes for the Rotary Club of Nambour Christmas raffle were won by Nambour residents. The winners shared in over $5000 worth of prizes kindly donated by Nambour and district businesses. Rotary encourages everyone to shop locally to support local businesses.
The first prize winners were Kevin & Heather McKeering pictured (ticket 1399), seven-year residents of Nambour & formerly of Bli Bli. They won the wheelbarrow and contents totalling nearly $3000 in value. In addition to the wheelbarrow, Kevin won a Hardi pump and a wide range of goods and vouchers.
Second Prize winner was Kevin Murphy (Ticket no 560). Kevin has lived in Nambour for 12 years. His second prize was valued at over $1300 and included a Stihl edge trimmer.
Since Kevin already had his own hedge trimmer, the terrific Stihl Shop in Nambour were kind enough to swap the hedge trimmer (with a small price adjustment) for a mini chain saw which Kevin really appreciated.
Third prize winner was Lea Sinfield also from Nambour, winning over $900 worth of goods which included a mini-chainsaw from The Stihl Shop, Nambour as well as goods from various Nambour businesses.
The proceeds of the raffle will directly benefit the young people of Nambour from many schools in the area, preparing them for productive adult lives that will enhance our community.
The Rotary Club of Nambour gratefully acknowledges the support of so many local businesses and from the many residents who purchased raffle tickets knowing that the proceeds would be invested locally in our young people. The Club also acknowledges the support of Nambour Plaza and Specsavers in facilitating the Christmas raffle. Together, we all make a difference!