Revolutionary treatment healing horses

George Carpenter ... “Every horse is different and different therapies are applicable for different horses”.

George Carpenter ... “Every horse is different and different therapies are applicable for different horses”.

Eighteen months ago George Carpenter personally experienced how Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy could be used to treat injuries. Now he has gone into business, helping horse owners safely and effectively treat their horses without the use of drugs or invasive treatments.

“I actually became aware of PEMF through my dad,” George said. “He had hurt his shoulder and used the machine to treat it. It really helped alleviate the pain and his shoulder healed faster than he thought it would. 

“Then I hurt my knee quite badly after falling off my motorbike. I was in a lot of pain and used the PEMF machine on my knee. Again, it healed up really fast. My dad encouraged and supported me to look into it as a business and that’s how Sunshine Coast Pulse Therapy started.”

“Magnetic fields surround every living thing so it’s not surprising that the strength of this energy field is directly associated with our health and wellbeing,” said George.

“Every cell in our body holds an electromagnetic charge and recent studies have shown that when cells are unhealthy and not performing properly, their voltage lowers. They lose their charge.”

A healthy cell produces an electric volt potential (mV) of 70. Sick cells have voltages of 40-50mV.

“Researchers have discovered that PEMF recharges and then accumulates energy within the cell,” said George. “This enables better oxygenation and increases the ph of the cell. This is important because sick cells are almost always acidic. PEMF contributes to much better circulation which transport nutrients and also oxygen to the cell. At the same time, PEMF maximises the cells functionality to eliminate waste, providing detoxification,” he said.

The PEMF machine George uses was developed in the US, and can be safely used on people or animals. “I decided I wanted to work with horses because I have grown up around them and really enjoy working with them,” said George. 

“Every horse is different and different therapies are applicable for different horses. I work with a lot of race horses as well as competitive horses and retired paddock horses. I think the best thing about the PEMF treatment is that it is so gentle, painless and non invasive but at the same time, so effective.”

George initially worked with race horses and his business has quickly grown via word of mouth. “A lot of my work was on the Sunshine Coast at the start but word has spread and I look after a lot of horses in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast now,” George said.

• For more information check out Sunshine Coast Pulse Therapy at or call 0417 464 389.


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