Nambour Social Centre transformed thanks to community grants

RangeCare’s Nambour Social Centre hosted a special event on Thursday, March 13, to celebrate some extensive renovations and express gratitude to the Nambour Community Foundation and Sunshine Coast Regional Council for their support. 

Judging by the smiles RangeCare management and staff enjoyed the fun activities and social occasion just as much as the clients. The Nambour Social Centre, operated by RangeCare, has undergone a transformation thanks to the generosity of the Foundation and Council. 

The centre, which provides vital day respite services, has received a comprehensive makeover to enhance the experience for its clients.

RangeCare's Business Development Manager, Jess Garey, explained that the grants were used to "re-carpet and revamp the whole area as well as smooth surfaces and provide ramp access". The work brings the facility in line with best practices and creates a more welcoming environment for the clients.

"The purpose of the Social Centre is to get people out and about, connecting with other people. They share a lovely meal that's really good for them and we involve them in some fun activities," Jess said.

Chairperson Lenore Simpson expressed her gratitude to the donors and the RangeCare community. She said money was raised via the grants and also by donations and through the work of volunteers at the Mapleton Op Shop. 

“It’s great to be celebrating this wonderful facility we've got here and also each other's company, which means so much,” she said. 


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