How you can help the elusive platypuses finding sanctuary in Petrie Creek
Norm Morwood, Jamie Slaven and Celia Drake at Petrie Creek… Everyone is invited to help clean up Petrie Creek for the resident platypuses. See videos of platypuses in Petrie Creek on Facebook @PetrieCreekCatchmentCareGroupInc
Sightings add new impetus to Nambour Clean Up
The Clean Up Australia Day event along the creek around Quota Park Nambour has taken on extra significance following multiple sightings of platypuses in recent times.
Petrie Creek Catchment Care Group are coordinating the annual Clean Up and organsier Jamie Slaven hopes the platypus proof inspires more people to come along to help improve fish, turtle and platypus aquatic habitats.
“This year is important as we have had some regular sightings of platypuses in Petrie Creek in the Nambour stretch, likely due to the rainfall and higher water flows in the creek,” he said. “Last year with Covid we had fewer volunteers but are hoping this year we may have more people.
“We think it’s important to protect our catchment which has important Platypus and aquatic fauna habitat and to prevent rubbish from travelling downstream into the Maroochy River and out to sea.
“One of our members Celia Drake has taken some videos and still photos. They are posted on our Facebook page @PetrieCreekCatchmentCareGroupInc and Celia is happy for us to use them to promote a great cause.”
Celia said she had noticed more platypuses in and around the Nambour CBD reaches of Petrie Creek in the last year than ever before. She said the best time to spot them is early morning, 5.30-6.30am.
A link to the Wildlife Preservation Society of Qld web site ( – Platypuswatch) where the public can report platypus sightings to contribute to their program to help maintain a reliable ‘snapshot’ of platypus populations in Queensland.
There is also an option to email information to
Jamie said the annual clean up was a great chance for like-minded environmentally-conscious people to come together for a truly constructive purpose.
“We appreciate everyone’s help,” said Jamie. “We have been involved for many years at this site which is suitable for all ages and physical abilities. We will be based at the large barbecue shelters at Quota Park to welcome everyone.”
Clean Up Australia Day in Nambour at a Glance
Clean Up Australia Day began 30 years ago as a way to gather people together to clean up and preserve the environment.
To take part all you have to do is turn up at Quota Park for the event which will run from 8am to 11am on Sunday March 6.
Morning tea will be provided for all helpers. Bring sturdy shoes.
If you can’t participate on the day you can volunteer at one of the three monthly Bush Care working bees along Petrie Creek.
For more information and Petrie Creek Catchment Care Group web site or
Wilvos needs volunteer carers, transporters & more
You can join Wilvos as a carer, transporter or hotline volunteer. Volunteers work from home, making a BIG difference for our little Aussie mates.
Wilvos will also provide free educative talks to groups, schools and retirement villages on the Sunshine Coast.
To register for training workshops or talks, please contact: Sylvia: or Roslyn: