Palmwoods traffic safety upgrade now complete

1. Central parking arrangement (19 spaces) on Margaret Street featuring wider than standard parking bays

2. Minor changes to existing on-street parking to accommodate the central parking arrangement

3. Provision for a U-turn facility, allowing westbound vehicles to travel east

4. Raised zebra (wombat) crossing near Rick's Garage

5. Speed management treatment at the western approach to Margaret Street

6. Existing police excepted spaces to remain

7. Additional street lighting to be installed

Works to improve pedestrian safety at Palmwoods, including installing a new wombat crossing and better lighting, are now complete.

Improvements in the centre of Palmwoods-Montville Road (locally known as Margaret Street) delivered wider parking bays, raised the pedestrian crossing and resurfacing throughout the project area.

A speed management treatment was installed at the western approach to Margaret Street, as well as improved streetlighting and additional warning signs to bolster compliance with the road’s 40km/h speed limits.

“These improvements have created a safer environment for both motorists and pedestrians in Palmwoods,” said Nicklin MP Robert Skelton. “With improved lighting, a new speed management treatment and a realignment to centre parking now delivered, we expect to see greater speed limit compliance and safer driver behaviour.”

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport  Carol Brown said improvements would make Margaret Street safer for all users, while maintaining the charming town centre. 

Assistant Minister for Regional Development Anthony Chisholm said Palmwoods’ residents would now see the benefit of safer pedestrian access. “Projects like this highlight the ongoing commitment of the Albanese Government to deliver the infrastructure and services that communities need, regardless of where they are located.”

The $1 million project was funded under the Australian Government’s Road Safety Program, with the Australian Government contributing $800,000 and the Queensland Government contributing $200,000.

For more information about the Palmwoods Township Treatments project, go to


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