More parking, improved safety: New Palmwoods traffic plan strikes balance 

The Department of Main Roads and Transport has come up with a new street design for Palmwoods following community backlash to its initial plans. 

The new plan enhances safety and adds parking spaces to the main street and thoroughfare, Margaret Street. 

The Department was sent back to the drawing board following concerns its earlier options sacrificed too many parking spaces. 

A number of car parks near the Post Office, Rick’s Garage and the Palmwoods Bakery had been identified for removal under those plans.

TMR revised its plans after further consultation in which more than 270 people provided feedback.

“TMR acknowledges the community’s concerns about impacts to car parking in Margaret Street and the current limited availability of car parking in general in Palmwoods, which featured heavily in the feedback received,” TMR says in a statement. 

“The upgrade to the existing crossing point near Rick’s Garage was overwhelmingly ranked as the treatment to most benefit the community.

“This crossing will replace the existing pedestrian refuge at this location with a raised zebra crossing, known as a wombat crossing. It allows pedestrians to cross the road in two stages, while minimising traffic delays and vehicle queuing to one direction at a time.”

The revised concept design also proposes a central parking arrangement towards the western end of Margaret Street, along with the preferred pedestrian crossing treatment at Rick’s Garage. 

TMR is now seeking further feedback to gauge community interest in this proposal and invite residents to have their say by completing a short survey online at Consultation closes 2 May 2022.

Map shows the revised concept design for Margaret Street with key, below.  

1. A raised speed hump will help reduce speeds  and encourage greater compliance of the 40km/h speed limit. It will also improve safety for pedestrians crossing the road.

2. Existing ‘police excepted’ spaces to remain.

3. Minor modifications to existing on-street parking.

4. A U-turn facility will be provided.

5. A central car parking arrangement (approx imately 19 spaces) will significantly increase capacity.

6. The existing pedestrian refuge near Rick’s Garage will be replaced with a raised zebra crossing, known as a wombat crossing.

7. Minor modifications to existing on-street parking are required to accommodate the central parking arrangement. 


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