Palmwoods intersections are incredibly dangerous, says mum petitioner

One of Palmwoods major trouble spots ... under the railway bridge at the Chevallum Road and Jubilee Drive/Margaret St junction. 

One of Palmwoods major trouble spots ... under the railway bridge at the Chevallum Road and Jubilee Drive/Margaret St junction. 

palmwoods bridge safety.jpg

A Palmwoods mum has attracted about 900 signatures to her petition calling for traffic measures to improve safety at notorious intersections in town.

Jocelyn Anderson said Palmwoods needed urgent attention especially to the busy intersection under the railway bridge at the Chevallum Road and Jubilee Drive/Margaret St junction.

“The intersections of Palmwoods are becoming a life and death situation, with several crashes happening each week,” she said. 

“The residents are desperate for action before a life or lives are lost. 

“These are incredibly dangerous as there is a big blind spot with the railway bridge. Families are having to run the gauntlet daily risking their lives.”

Suggestions included traffic lights, roundabouts and traffic calming measures to ease the build up of traffic on roads that have not kept pace with population growth in the area. 

Dangerous intersections included Chevallum Road, Jubilee Drive, Margaret Street and the Churchill and Dunning Street intersections onto Palmwoods-Montville Road.

A petition signatory said: “To cross the road at the bakery/chemist is to take your life into your hands - cars often at speed coming from 5 different roads.”

Div 5 Cr Winston Johnston said Sunshine Coast Council had “no control or influence” regarding upgrades to the intersection which was maintained by the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Member for Nicklin Rob Skelton said he was aware of Ms Anderson’s concerns and was always happy to take up any concerns to the relevant authorities. 

“I understand the residents’ concerns and I am encouraged by the Department saying it’s investigating options to improve safety,” he said in response to the online petition.

A Transport and Main Roads spokesperson said they had received the petition and were currently investigating options for improved safety in the Palmwoods area.

He said he couldn’t give a specific time frame at this stage as they were in discussions with council. The spokesman said they would have a better idea at the end of this week.

Concerned residents can sign the petition at


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