New Nambour bush care group puts out call for help

Ken Green, Sarah Carrington & Rob Greenfield are looking for helpers.

When Sarah Carrington first walked through a Sunshine Coast Council reserve in Nambour Heights, she was amazed to discover a beautiful creek running through the stunning bushland. 

Sadly, it had been overtaken by garden escapees such as mother in law’s tongue, salvias and vines.

Now she and a group of fellow nature lovers have formed a group to help regenerate the area and they are looking for volunteers to help.

“I was compelled to do something,” Sarah said. “It was heartbreaking to see the native plants being drowned out by weeds.” 

The newly-formed Etep Court Bushcare group meets once a month to remove environmental weeds and plant native trees, shrubs and groundcovers. 

The work they have done has already made a big impression, but the group needs more bush carers to help. 

“It is a lovely group of people,” said Sarah. “I really enjoy chatting with like-minded people as we work and having a cuppa together at the end of the morning’s work.” 

Meeting interesting people is not the only benefit, said Sarah. “Working in the bush is a great way to connect with nature, stay active and help the environment.”

Council organiser Nadia Joyce willingly shares a wealth of knowledge about the plants and effective weed removal techniques. 

And there are opportunities to visit other reserves and learn more about the local fauna and flora.  

“We hold regular working bees throughout the year. No experience or commitment is required, you can join-in where and when you can,” said Nadia.

The group meets every third Saturday of the month from 9 – 11 am. If you are interested you can contact Nadia on 0419 025 736 or email her at

Council organiser Nadia Joyce.


Nature Watch: Azure Kingfisher


Painting captures moment ringer wrangled a bullock to the ground in record time