Hank's nesting box hobby becomes a business
Mapleton’s Hank Wade could see there was a need for boxes for birds, possums and microbats. He is pictured with a kookaburra box.
Mapleton’s Hank Wade has been providing nesting boxes for local feathered and furry residents for 18 months and has turned what started out as a hobby, into a business.
“I am 89 years old, so I am not going full tilt, but it is very rewarding and a nice bit of pocket money as well,” he said.
“The first boxes I made were like Austrian chalets, and I sold them at the Eumundi markets,” he said.
“They were very decorative and pretty, but I realised they were probably not entirely appropriate for our native wildlife,” Hank said.
“I could see there was a need for boxes for birds, possums and microbats because our local forests are too young to provide enough natural hollows - they can take 100 years to form. Nesting boxes fill a real need in our environment,” Hank explained.
“So I did some research and thanks to a number of wildlife organisations such as WIRES, The Department of Wildlife & Conservation, Wildlife Rescue South Coast, Birds in Backyards, Birdlife Australia and others who were willing to provide plans and ideas, I have come up with a number of templates for ‘made for purpose’ nesting boxes.
“I use waterproof structural ply, usually oiled with linseed oil and turps,” he said. “But water-based paints are also acceptable to most groups, and increase the life of the boxes. I can also provide wriggly suspension wires for support on trees, but this is optional.”
Each of Hank’s nesting boxes is custom made to order, according to the species the customer wishes to attract.
“I always tell people that hanging a nesting box is a bit like fishing,” said Hank. “Putting up a nesting box in the right place, the right height and facing North East, does not guarantee that the creature you would like to inhabit it, will be the creature that moves in.
“With nesting boxes, you have to remove lizards, bees, Noisy Mynahs and Magpies before your desired species moves in.”
• To contact Hank about the right type of nesting box for your property, call 0400 262 214 or email cwade1@bigpond.net.au.