Pack your suitcases for the Nambour Rummage Sale!

Tramco Director Rhonda Billet is encouraging people to get packing for the Coast’s first ever rummage sale at the Nambour Tram terminal next to Coles.  

Grab your best picnic rug, pop on your hat & sunscreen, pack a suitcase full of goodies to sell & set yourself up on the plush green lawn space at Nambour Tram Co. 

A first for the Sunshine Coast, the Nambour Tram Company are excited to announce their fun, new, event for 2022, bringing all things vintage, pre-loved & handmade to Nambour. 

“The idea for the Suitcase Rummage came from a Placemaking Workshop held by a gentleman by the name of Andrew Hammonds,” said Tramco Director Rhonda Billet.

“Andrew specialises in creating ‘places for people’.  We spent two days in Sunshine Coast Council’s Nambour offices with Andrew and various community and Council employees, going over ideas to activate spaces in and around Nambour. 

“It was 7-8 years ago now since we did that workshop with Andrew, and the idea has always been in the back of my mind.   

“We have this lush, green space and Nambour Tram Co that we want the community to be able to enjoy, so we decided to go with a Suitcase Rummage concept.  

“It’s the first one ever to be held on the Sunshine Coast and the team at 

Tram Co Nambour agreed that it was a concept that was a good fit for Nambour, adding to our vintage vibes.” 

The first event will be held on Sunday March 27th from 10am until 2pm.   

You are invited to join in the fun.  Suitcase Rummage sites are only $5 per suitcase.  Bookings can be made via the Nambour Tram Facebook page.  

There will be a live DJ for the Rummage enthusiasts to enjoy on the day with a sausage sizzle and the Nambour Tram terminal will be open to the public for the event serving cold drinks.  Attendees can also see the Vintage Petrie Cane Train Locomotive on display at Nambour Tram Company’s onsite Tram Terminal.  

Nambour Tram construction on track

The Nambour Tram construction is in progress, despite Covid 19 obstacles and should be up and running on the heritage listed Cane Train tracks by the end of 2022, with its construction to take place right here on the Sunshine Coast creating jobs and keeping money in our local region.  

In the meantime, pack your port and head to Nambour for the Suitcase Rummage Sale on Sunday March 27th from 10am until 2pm. Bookings can be made via the Nambour Tram Facebook page.  


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