Nambour Garden Club’s 43rd birthday
Three members enjoying morning tea are Barb, Jan Bell and Diana Colpoys.
Guest speaker Penny Hegarty.
Propagating and plant sales highlight Nambour Garden Club’s 43rd birthday
The April Meeting of the Nambour Garden Club was a happy time as 76 members and guests celebrated the Club’s 43rd birthday.
Members enjoyed guest speaker Penny Hegarty, who is a well known horticulturalist and past member speak about propagating techniques and how easy it is to grow your own plants from cuttings.
A delicious morning tea was provided as members met with friends, old and new.
The competition table always provides a lovely display, while the plant sales table provides quality plants at reasonable prices.
The Club meets in the Nambour Uniting Church hall on the first Monday of the month, however due to the first Monday in May being Labour Day we will meet on the second Monday which is the 8th May.
The doors open from 9am with the meeting commencing at 10am. Parking is very easy with entry via Donaldson Road.