Is it time to revive ‘forgotten’ Nambour to Coolum Recreation Trail?
The Sunshine Coast Council has come up with a draft Nambour to Coolum Recreational Trail and future extensions.
A Nambour woman says it was time to revive plans for a proposed recreation trail linking Nambour and Coolum.
The 48km trail, which was endorsed by Council in 2017 following research by consultants and wide-ranging community engagement would run from Nambour through Rosemount and Bli Bli to west Coolum and Coolum Beach, and would follow about 16km of historic cane train line.
“With Council moving staff out of Nambour down to the coast and the town losing business I thought it would be good to focus on some ideas that could revitalise the place,” said long-time advocate Melissa Taylor.
“The Nambour to Coolum Recreation Trail is something I’ve always lobbied for but I keep getting fobbed off by the Council,” she said. “I think it’s an idea that would attract more people into the town, especially if we could link it to the Beerburrum to Nambour trail.”
Initial consultations occurred after the 2003 closure of the historic cane railway that carried cut sugarcane from farms to the mill in Nambour. A feasibility study by recreational planners Inspiring Place - a Tasmanian firm - found merit in developing the trail.
The historic line meanders across mostly public landscape including historic bridges and landmarks. It links points of interest and connects Nambour, Rosemount, Bli Bli and Coolum.
Council made the trail a core component of its environment and liveability strategy in 2017 but nothing seems to have happened since.
“I just think we need more recreation trails in the area,” Melissa said. “We’re getting more congested on the roads, and even our national parks are getting more congested. And the coast has their coastal pathway, the council spent millions of dollars on that.
“It feels like they’ve abandoned Nambour. They’ve built that huge park in Mooloolaba, they’ve developed the coastal pathway, but there’s nothing that links the hinterland to the Coast. Hopefully we can get people talking about it, and get something to be excited about in Nambour.
“They are spending millions down the coast while Nambour and the hinterland only appear to get some breadcrumbs. It seems unbalanced and the hinterland is feeling more disconnected to the coast. The coastal pathway has been developed connecting all the coastal towns, with the Nambour to Coolum Recreation Trail they now have an opportunity to connect Nambour to the coast, get more people off the roads and outdoors.”
Cr Law fully supportive
Div 10 Cr David Law said he was fully supportive of the recreation trail being completed and had been doing all he could to have it prioritised by Council.
“I have seen copies of the plans and the first goal, I believe, is to get the trail open from Nambour to Bli Bli which will connect Nambour to the Coastal Pathway network,” he said.
“This will be excellent for recreation and tourism and even the east west commute for active transport. The trail will begin from the massive new parkland area between Howard Street and Petrie Creek. After this then work to connect the trail through to Coolum.
“It may feel to some people along with Melissa that the council has abandoned Nambour but I certainly have not.
“Last year the best Aquatic Centre on the Coast was finished and opened in Nambour and it was voted in the top ten water parks in Queensland. Also we opened the large new parkland with agility equipment for pets between Howard Street and Petrie Creek and the Quota Park playground received a welcome upgrade.
“And I hope that there will soon be more news about work along Petrie Creek to better connect these major attractions together.
“I will be very keen to meet with Melissa to discuss options and to find out how we can generate a high level of community support so that we can get this trail as a top priority for council.”
Cr Law said he could be contacted on 0437 825 569 or email