Montessori College officially opened at new site

By Richard BruinsmaThe Montessori International College’s new $8-million campus at Forest Glen has been officially opened.The college moved to the new 54-acre site earlier this year, after outgrowing the former site near the University of the Sunshine Coast at Sippy Downs.The college, which has now been at the new campus since early this year, has 245 students and will grow to 310 next year. The student population is capped at a maximum 400 to ensure it never loses its “sense of community”.Although just over six months old, the purpose-built state-of-the-art building has already won several building awards, including the “Excellence in Sustainable Building” awards at both the regional and state 2015 Master Builders State Housing and Construction Awards.The 22-hectare campus features a water management system that ensures it is self-sufficient in water supply, and includes a storm water management and an on-site effluent treatment and re-use system.Sunshine Cost Mayor Mark Jamieson was joined by Principal Chiray Fitton to formalise the move to the Forest Glen property, after the school community started utilising the new facilities earlier this year.The Montessori structure is different to traditional schools in that classrooms are set up in blocks of ages - three to six years old, six to nine, nine to 12, 12 to 15 and 15 - 18 - to encourage students to learn a their own pace while also working together.PHOTOSunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson and Montessori International College Principal Chiray Fitton


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