Local theatre mourns a true stalwart


The Coast and The Indee lost one of its stalwarts in July when Indee Vice President, Keith Souter, pictured, left the stage.

Keith had been a familiar theatre maker for many decades and worked with BATS and The Indee, but his spiritual home was Nambour’s The Lind, where he served on committees (President for 3 years), was involved in youth theatre and appeared in many productions.

He was one of that rare breed of actor whose delivery was carefully understated and he delivered many outstanding roles.

In 2003 he was named Sunshine Coast Performer of the Year, in the (then) STAR Awards, following his performance in The Indee’s season of Stones in His Pockets.

For the past half dozen years he suffered ill-health but continued to serve on The Indee executive as vice-president. 

A memorial service, hosted by his daughter, Alisa, and with members of The Lind, The Indee and BATS in attendance, was held at The Lind.


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