Letters: Where have all the gnomes gone?
Picture taken beofre all the gnomes and toys suddenly disappeared.
Where have all the gnomes gone?
Letters to the Editor
The Sunshine Valley Gazette welcomes letters to the editor. Please keep your letters short (300 words maximum). All things being equal, preference is given to topical, shorter letters on local matters of general interest.
For many months now children around Plantation Rise Drive in Woombye have enjoyed stopping to play with the family of gnomes, quokkas and assorted toys at “Gnome Corner”, at the entrance to the path through the bush reserve near the corner of Hamlin Close.
All the gnomes and toys have suddenly disappeared.
Enquiries with Cr Winston Johnson’s office today reveal that Council did not authorise removal of the gnomes and in fact carried out a recent assessment of the installation and deemed it to be low risk and most probably bringing much joy to the local community.
My little 2 year old god-daughter Bonnie is going to be very distressed when she finds out that her “Nurse Quokka” in the toy ambulance and all her gnomey patients and friends are missing!
What do I tell her?
If someone has stolen them to either trash or sell it’s a despicable act.
– Cathy Cash, Woombye
Big shift to the big smoke leaving big gaps in Nambour
As a Nambour born resident who still lives here and supports it after 76 years, I think it is time to find my voice.
As many know, Nambour residents have lost a lot from our once-thriving town. There’s been a big shift of most things we really need to “The Big Smoke” at Maroochydore.
A lot of us are old now and find it difficult to travel to the big shops, also buying online is not on for many of us.
Nambour has many new houses and residents living here now, the push is on to relaunch the town. So why can’t we have our electrical, furniture, leisure and menswear shops back in the now-vacant shops like the Discounts Galore, etc. Or why can’t we have a new shopping centre to cater for them. After speaking to a few people this would be well supported and valued by the forgotten Nambour residents.
– Laurel Steffens, Highworth